

The Southeast Chapter is E2’s newest chapter with work focused in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles

As E2’s second-largest network in California, the Los Angeles Chapter includes over 300 members and supporters.

San Diego

San Diego

Since its founding in 2010, E2’s San Diego Chapter has grown to nearly 300 members and supporters.

Mountain West

Mountain West

Since it's inception in 2007, the Mountain West chapter has advocated for smart clean energy policies in Colorado and, more recently, expanded its reach to Nevada.

Pacific Northwest

Pacific Northwest

E2’s Pacific Northwest Chapter was founded in 2009 and has since grown to nearly 1,000 members and supporters.



Since 2002, E2 has been leading the charge in the Northeast on an ambitious set of issues.

Northern California

Northern California

E2 was founded in Northern California in 2000. Since then, the chapter has grown to nearly 2,000 members and supporters and represents the de facto headquarters of E2.

New England

New England

With over 100 members, E2 New England has been active in advocating for policies to support the growth of the clean energy sector and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.



E2’s Midwest Chapter is growing! Founded in the fall of 2013, our chapter has members in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri.



The Federal Chapter brings the voices of E2 biz leaders to bear on federal legislation, executive actions and other critical policies that advance both the economy and the environment. Interested in learning more? Want to help us advance economic and environmental goals from Capitol Hill to the White House? Become an E2 member or supporter, and join us in our federal advocacy work.

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Major Clean Energy Announcements Surge 37% in May

Companies announced 11 new large-scale clean energy projects last month that are expected to employ at least 1,300 new workers and invest $950 million, according to the monthly tally of private-sector announcements from E2. The 11 new projects announced in ...


E2: Expanding Solar/Wind Tax Credits to More Technologies a “Boon for America’s Clean Energy Economy”

“The new Clean Electricity Tax Credits will be a boon for America’s clean energy economy. These proposed rules will lower energy costs for Americans, curb emissions fueling climate disasters, and help burgeoning technologies such hydropower and geothermal a...


FERC Transmission Rule a “Win for the Climate and the Economy”

 The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced its regional transmission rule today, setting standards for the planning and development of new transmission lines that improve reliability, saves costs, and will help bring new clean energy resourc...

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