Good for the Economy.
Good for the Environment.

E2 is a national, nonpartisan group of business leaders, investors and others who advocate for smart policies that are good for the economy and good for the environment.

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Clean Economy Works | May Tracking Update

Companies announced 11 new large-scale clean energy projects in May that are expected to employ at least 1,300 new workers and invest $950 million, according to E2's monthly taClean Economy Works tracking. The 11 new projects announced in May brings the total number of new major projects announced across the renewable energy, battery storage, transmission and grid, electric vehicle and other clean energy industries to 316 since the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law in August 2022. The new projects are estimated to invest over $2 billion and bring the total number of projects announced since the IRA to 305.

read the full release

Clean Jobs America 2023

Clean energy and clean vehicle jobs in America grew 4 percent in 2022, bringing the total number of workers in renewable generation, energy efficiency, clean vehicles, battery and storage, grid modernization, and biofuels to more than 3.3 million. Clean energy now employs over 40 percent of all energy workers in America.

E2’s eighth annual Clean Jobs America 2023 report shows that every state added clean energy jobs in 2022 – regardless of politics, climate, or geology.


About E2

Since its inception, E2 has been recognized as a leader in advocation for policies that protect the environment while building economic prosperity. Our members use their collective voice to make the business and industry case for strong state and federal policies that address pressing environmental problems.

Tracking New Clean Energy Announcements

The Inflation Reduction Act is Working. And So is America.

There’s a good chance the nation’s most important climate and clean energy policy is already creating jobs and driving economic growth in your state. Our interactive map lets you explore those announcements by state, jobs, investment size, date, congressional district, and more.

Meet Our Members

Peter is CEO of Earth Equity Advisors, a leader in sustainable, responsible and impact investing. Founded in 2004, the firm manages $90 million (as of fall 2019) and has clients…

Peter Krull - Asheville, N.C.

Peter Krull


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Major Clean Energy Announcements Surge 37% in May

Companies announced 11 new large-scale clean energy projects last month that are expected to employ at least 1,300 new workers and invest $950 million, according to the monthly tally of private-sector announcements from E2. The 11 new projects announced in ...


E2: Expanding Solar/Wind Tax Credits to More Technologies a “Boon for America’s Clean Energy Economy”

“The new Clean Electricity Tax Credits will be a boon for America’s clean energy economy. These proposed rules will lower energy costs for Americans, curb emissions fueling climate disasters, and help burgeoning technologies such hydropower and geothermal a...


FERC Transmission Rule a “Win for the Climate and the Economy”

 The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced its regional transmission rule today, setting standards for the planning and development of new transmission lines that improve reliability, saves costs, and will help bring new clean energy resourc...

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