Since its founding in 2010, E2’s San Diego Chapter has grown to nearly 300 members and supporters. E2’s California chapters have played a key role in passage of many of California’s marquee climate and clean energy policies, including several firsts for the nation. San Diego members have brought the business voice to bear on the state’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, Renewables Portfolio Standard, and Cap and Trade extension.  E2’s California policy program will continue work to defend, strengthen, and extend the state’s climate and clean energy program – including advancing building and transportation electrification – while looking for opportunities to establish California as a global leader in water efficiency, plastic pollution reduction, and other issues at the nexus of the environment and the economy.

Chapter Leadership

Carl Nettleton

Carl Nettleton


Carl Nettleton

E2 Chapter Director

Carl Nettleton is a speaker, moderator, analyst and the president of Nettleton Strategies, a firm specializing in forming complex community coalitions and handling high-profile issues involving government, media, businesses and neighborhoods. Carl is known for his ability to provide critical insight and strategic problem solving to both old and new issues. He regularly brings clients innovative ideas and fresh ways to look at their issues. As a senior counselor with strong networks in governmental, environmental, regulatory, media and business communities, Carl mixes who he knows with interpersonal skills that foster an atmosphere of cooperation to achieve client goals. A key strategy implemented in this work is facilitated mapping, the use of advanced geographic information systems (GIS) technology to create location-based consensus and create opportunities for collaboration and conflict resolution. He says this about his firm's work: “At Nettleton Strategies, we try to create a sense of trust and a safe place for discussing and resolving issues. Participatory mapping is often the starting point for a process that leads to positive dialogue and relationship building.” His subject matter expertise includes oceans, all things water, energy, climate, and the U.S. Mexico border. He regularly presents or moderates panel discussions at local, national and international meetings involving these subjects. Carl is also the founder of OpenOceans Global, an international non-profit linking people to the world’s oceans. Since joining E2 in December 2010 and becoming co-chair of the San Diego Chapter, he has helped to build the chapter by listening, fact-finding, and facilitating discussions with chapter members and local experts. Carl hopes the San Diego Chapter will be seen as a group supportive of E2's state and national objectives and contributing to the resolution of environmental issues using sound business thinking. As a delegate on the 2011 Washington, D.C. advocacy trip, Carl used his expertise to learn how individual elected offices viewed E2 issues while helping to highlight the need for using intelligent maps to create sustainably managed oceans that will benefit the economy for years to come. His contribution to E2 includes using his ability to bring together businesses, the environment, and the NRDC to foster better communication and understanding that will help solve the traditional economy-environment gap that exists in policy. Carl says “We have to get to a sustainable place where we realize the benefit of the environment within the economy. We need to enable interest groups to work together with trust and respect.” Carl’s favorite aspect of E2 is the opportunity to interact with like-minded people in such a collegial environment. “I’ve really enjoyed all the people I’ve met through E2. There is a great energy around this group, he says. "They are forward thinking and open to change and new ideas.”
Elizabeth Dreicer

Elizabeth Dreicer


Elizabeth Dreicer

E2 Chapter Director

Elizabeth is a humanitarian, environmentalist, conservationist, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. Her professional and personal life are devoted to seeing, sharing, and developing solutions to create a better world, including reforming systems. She is a builder—of teams, organizations, coalitions and systems. Elizabeth is the CEO of Kuity, an advanced analytics product development holding company. She is also co-founder and investor in a number of software, analytics, data, film and impact investment companies. She is also involved in systemic efforts to advance positive capitalism. Elizabeth‘s career includes founding and leading data science, machine learning, medical analytics, healthcare technology services, financial management, community health, managed healthcare, medical group purchasing, and healthcare publishing organizations. Her experience spans product and professional services start-ups through sale. Board roles include enterprise, social enterprise, foundation, nonprofit, and public/private partnership organizations. Elizabeth received her Bachelors of Science degree in Organizational Leadership from Pennsylvania State University. She is also a graduate of Singularity University’s Executive Education programs, including, Exponential Medicine (previously FutureMed). Additionally, she is a graduate of the Extreme Leadership Executive Program. Currently, Elizabeth is a Trustee of the Alliance Healthcare Foundation, where she is the immediate past Board Chair and member of the Impact Investing Committee, Finance/Investment Committee (where she is also past Chair), Program Committee, and Chair of the Wellness San Diego Committee. She is also a member and Co-Director of E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs) San Diego, a national nonpartisan business leader group affiliated with NRDC (National Resource Defense Coalition) that advocates for good economic and environmental policies. Further, Elizabeth has previously served on a number of nonprofit boards, including 211 San Diego, Just in Time for Foster Youth (where she was a founding member), San Diego Exploratory Foundation (working to bring the American National Olympic Committee ANOC World Beach Games to San Diego), and the Foster Youth Housing committee under the San Diego Commission for Children Youth and Families.
Vincent Mudd

Vincent Mudd


Vincent Mudd

E2 Chapter Director

CarrierJohnson + Culture Architects

Vincent Mudd is the former Managing Partner and Principal of Carrier Johnson + CULTURE. Throughout his tenure at Carrier Johnson, Vincent has led the firm to stellar heights in both project performance as well as client engagement – including establishing the firm as California’s only ISO certified Architectural firm. He has worked tirelessly to achieve a uniquely diversified team of architects and designers, boasting 52% women employees, 46% non-Caucasian employees, and a 71% diversified principal-level management team. An inspiration and steady hand at the helm of the organization, Vincent is always eager to engage in one-on- one character-building conversations with employees seeking guidance. Highly committed to civic engagement, Vincent has not only been one of San Diego’s “Top 100 Influential Leaders”, but he has also led the firm to its most solid performance as a private company, leading to its “Top 14” ranking from Architecture Magazine’s “Architect 50” top firms of the year. Vincent has landed many of Carrier Johnson’s most prominent clients, including National University, Google and the stunning Legacy International Center project. Vincent is a champion of sustainability having completed a number of LEED Platinum, Gold and Net Zero projects. Vincent was given the “Cool Californian” award by the California Air Resources Board. As an instructor at SDSU CES, Vincent inspired the next generation of green business leaders through his Sustainable Design and Construction course. Previously, Mr. Mudd was appointed by the Governor to serve on the Board of State Compensation Insurance Fund during a time of great crisis and business flight. He also served as Chairman of the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation, the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce and the San Diego Citizen’s Sustainability Task Force. He is also a former director of the San Diego Country Water Authority, Metropolitan Water District and Sharp Healthcare.

Our Issues

  • Growing the clean energy economy
  • Reducing economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions
  • Protecting the ocean economy from offshore oil and gas development
  • Decarbonizing the built environment
  • Modernizing and electrifying the transportation sector

Our Work

  • In November 2020, E2 was a lead business advocate in the successful passage of San Diego City’s Mobility Choices, an initiative that will help implement the City’s Climate Action Plan by supporting infill development and investments in walking, bicycling, and public transit.
  • Following the COVID-19 induced economic downturn starting in March 2020, E2 advocated California Congressmembers and state policymakers to leverage the job creation power of the clean energy industry to drive an economic recovery in California. A primary action in our recovery advocacy was E2’s lead role organizing and mobilizing a business group coalition to advocate to members of Governor Newsom’s Economic Recovery Taskforce, including Tom Steyer and CalEPA Secretary Jared Blumenfeld.
  • In August 2020, A delegation of 20 E2 California members participated in a remote Sacramento advocacy day, virtually meeting with 27 legislative offices, as well as senior staff of the Newsom administration. The delegation advocated on multiple policy priorities, including support for companion bills (AB 1080 and SB 54) to dramatically reduce plastic pollution, broad support for clean energy stimulus investments, and an economic stimulus proposal (AB 841) to expedite the installation of California’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure and create a new program to repair and replace HVAC systems and water fixtures in California’s schools.
  • In June 2020, E2 released Clean Jobs California 2020, a report that details employment in the Golden State’s clean energy economy, including energy efficiency, renewable generation, and clean fuels and vehicles. Leveraging the reports data on clean energy job losses in California as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic’s economic fallout, the report made a case for a clean energy driven recovery and provided policy recommendations to advance investments in clean energy.
  • In June 2020, the California Air Resources Board passed an ambitious Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rule. This groundbreaking rule—the world’s first clean truck standard—requires truck manufacturers to sell a steadily increasing number of zero-emission vehicles in California in the coming years. In May, E2 submitted written testimony from almost 270 E2 California business voices in support of the rule and in June E2 recruited and supported business voices in the clean transportation industry to deliver verbal testimony in support of the ACT rule during the California Air Resources Board final hearing on the rule.
  • Throughout 2020, E2 played a leadership role managing and mobilizing The Business Alliance for Protecting the Pacific Coast (BAPPC). BAPPC is a membership group of coastal businesses advocating against expanded offshore oil drilling proposed by the Trump Administration.
  • In August 2019, E2 released Clean Jobs California, a report that details employment in the Golden State’s clean energy economy, including energy efficiency, renewable generation, and clean fuels and vehicles. The report received strong media coverage, including from the Sacramento Bee and the Mercury News. E2 also released its district-level fact sheets, analyzing employment and investment in the state’s legislative districts driven by climate and clean energy policies and programs.
  • In August 2019, over 200 E2 California members and supporters signed onto a letter in support of SB 54 and AB 1080, identical versions of the California Circular Economy and Plastic Pollution Reduction Act. These bills would ensure California is on the forefront of reducing pollution from single-use packaging and products, setting a goal to reduce waste generated from single-use packaging and products by 75 percent by 2030.
  • In August 2019, a delegation of 14 E2 California members and supporters traveled to Sacramento for meetings with 27 legislative offices and senior staff of the Newsom administration. The delegation advocated on multiple policy priorities, including support for the California Circular Economy and Plastic Pollution Reduction Act and opposition of a proposal (AB 1424) that would hamper open access to California’s public network of electric vehicle charging stations.
  • In December 2018, E2 hosted an event featuring Assemblymember Todd Gloria, San Diego’s former Interim Mayor and the author of the city’s groundbreaking Climate Action Plan.

Recent Success

  • In 2020, E2 California brought the business voice to bear – including critical business community mobilization – to help pass AB 841, an innovative clean energy and economic stimulus bill that will drive hundreds of millions of dollars in clean energy investment by creating a program to repair and replace HVAC systems and water fixtures in California’s schools and accelerate the state’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure build out.
  • In 2020, E2 California harnessed the business voice to help secure adoption of the groundbreaking Advanced Clean Trucks rule by the California Air Resources Board, establishing the world’s first clean truck standard.
  • In 2018, E2 California elevated the business voice to help pass SB 100, which increased California’s Renewables Portfolio Standard to 60 percent by 2030 and created a statewide planning goal of 100 percent clean energy by 2045.
  • In 2018, E2 California organized business voices as part of the Business Alliance to Protect the Pacific Coast to defend California’s coastline from additional offshore oil and gas development. In response to opposition, the Trump administration indefinitely postponed its plans to expand oil and gas drilling off the nation’s coasts.
  • In 2017, E2 California amplified the business voice to help pass the bill package of AB 398 and AB 617, which extended California’s Cap-and-Trade carbon pricing program through 2030 and addressed critical air quality issues throughout the state.
  • In 2016, E2 California harnessed the business voice to help pass SB 32, which extended California’s statewide greenhouse gas reduction goals out to 2030.


Interested in learning more? Want to help us advance our climate and clean energy goals in San Diego and across the state and country?

Reach out to Mountain West Advocate Susan Nedell to begin receiving updates about supporting E2’s policy efforts in your area – including attending upcoming events, participating in advocacy campaigns, receiving our email newsletters, and more!

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