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Healthy Soils and Innovation: Cultivating Economic Security on America’s Farms

Innovation is at the heart of America’s farm tradition. Now the agriculture industry increasingly faces unprecedented challenges from severe and unseasonable weather, putting practices that were effective in past decades in question.


Victory! Thank President Biden & Congress for Historic Climate Win

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California Oil Spill Now Threatening Businesses, Jobs and Billions Generated By Coastal Economies

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA - With new forecasts raising fears that the growing Southern California oil spill could soon reach more coastal areas, organizations representing thousands of ocean economy businesses redoubled calls for Congress to immediately and perm...


Getting the Lead Out: Employment & Economic Impacts of Lead Service Line Replacement

Summary: Based on the Biden administration’s plans to invest $45 billion to replace 100 percent of lead service lines in America, the findings from Getting the Lead Out: Employment & Economic Impacts from Replacing America’s Lead Service Lines, this ...

The Hill

It pays to go carbon negative on America’s soil infrastructure

Lt. Gen. John Castellaw USMC (Retired) is a third-generation farmer on his family farm near Crockett Mills, Tennessee. He remains involved in national security issues, serves on several boards and advocates for a strong national defense. Nicole Lederer i...

Living on Earth

Regenerative Farming for Soil Health

Regenerative agriculture practices that store carbon in the soil are a “win-win-win” for farmers, the economy and the environment, say advocates who claim widespread adoption of no-till, cover cropping, and other practices could perhaps store as much carbon...


Where: BlueJeans Webinar

Healthy Soils and the Climate Connection

Reducing current and future global warming emissions is not enough to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.  We must also aggressively remove carbon dioxide that’s already in the atmosphere. While advanced carbon removal technologies are still on th...


REPORT: Fighting Climate Change Offers Recovery, New Revenues for America’s Farms

Making stored carbon farming’s next cash crop is vital to U.S. climate battle WASHINGTON – America’s farms were struggling just to make a profit even before the COVID-19 pandemic, but long-ignored soil practices could provide new revenue opportunities and ...


Healthy Soils and the Climate Connection: A Path to Economic Recovery on America’s Farms

Fighting Climate Change Offers Recovery, New Revenues for America’s Farms Summary: Most initiatives to fight climate change today focus on reducing fossil fuel emissions from electricity generation, transportation, and buildings. But to avoid the wors...


Biden Climate Orders to “Turbocharge” U.S. Clean Energy, New Job Opportunities

Credit: Gage Skidmore (@gageskidmore) E2: Actions will help displaced oil and gas workers and get more jobs in low income and communities of color WASHINGTON (January 27, 2021) – Today, President Biden is announcing sweeping climate plans that include a ...


SoCap 2020

SoCap 2020 is a weeklong virtual event covering climate action, water stewardship and corporate sustainability. October 19 - 23, the global impact community will come together to connect, learn and collaborate on unlocking the power of markets for impact. J...


E2 awards Boulder entrepreneur $20,000 grant

BOULDER — Environmental Entrepreneurs, an environmental advocacy organization known as E2, announced this week participants of the 2020 E2 1 Hotels Fellowship program, which includes Jock Gilchrist of Boulder. Gilchrist, who will receive a $20,000 grant ...


Where: San Francisco, CA

The Next Generation of Climate Innovation: Showcasing the Bay Area’s Top Emerging Leaders and Entrepreneurs

WHAT Tackling climate change will require continual innovation and new technologies. With a groundswell of innovation from clean energy to carbon emissions monitoring to agricultural soil carbon sequestration, a new class of entrepreneurs are leading the c...


$20,000 Awarded to 10 Emerging Clean Energy Leaders Across U.S.

2020 Fellows represent 8 states across 5 regions SAN FRANCISCO – National business group E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs) and sustainability-driven hotel brand 1 Hotels announced today the 2020 1 Hotels Fellowship class at E2. This is the third-year of the...

The Advocate

Letters: Trump administration proposal tells business to forget lessons of Deepwater Horizon

On January 10, the Trump administration announced it plans to roll back the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), excluding more projects from NEPA review and allowing project developers to write the environmental analysis. We know what that looks li...


Daybreak: A California carbon farming market

CDFA considers a carbon farming market CDFA measures the success of its Healthy Soils incentives program in part by how much carbon is sequestered in the soil. Now the department is considering a proposal to monetize that benefit through a carbon offset ...

The Colorado Sun

Colorado FARMS project grant could help address climate change, make agriculture more sustainable

Just before Thanksgiving, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced more than $13 million in grants to support nine on-farm pilot projects designed to demonstrate and improve soil health practices. The innovative new pilot project, part of the ...

Crain's Detroit Business

E2 report: Investing in water infrastructure can boost economy, jobs, improve health

Michigan should spend the billions of dollars required to improve its fresh and storm water infrastructure, along the way creating thousands of new jobs and other economic dividends, according to a report from the advocacy group Environmental Entrepreneurs....


REPORT: Beyond Flint, “Water Investing Gap” in Michigan Stands in Way of 90,000 New Jobs in State, $8.8 Billion in Workers’ Paychecks

$22,000 a Day on Bottled Water for Flint:  Chronically Underfunded, Maintenance-deferred Water Infrastructure Costs Michigan Money. LANSING (November 14, 2019) – Investing $12 billion on top of existing water infrastructure expenditures over the next two d...


Investing in Michigan’s Water Infrastructure – An Economic Opportunity

PROTECTING THE ECONOMY, CREATING NEW JOBS, AND DRIVING GROWTH Michigan has for decades underinvested in its water infrastructure at the expense of the economy and the health of families in the state. To ensure Michigan’s economy continues to grow — and t...


Where: Webinar

E2 1 Hotels Fellowship: 2018-2019 Fellow Showcase

The E2 1Hotels Fellowship supports emerging business leaders develop and implement projects that amplify the business and economic case for smart policies to address pressing environmental issues. This will be the final webinar showcasing our 2018-2019 clas...

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Major Clean Energy Announcements Surge 37% in May

Companies announced 11 new large-scale clean energy projects last month that are expected to employ at least 1,300 new workers and invest $950 million, according to the monthly tally of private-sector announcements from E2. The 11 new projects announced in ...


E2: Expanding Solar/Wind Tax Credits to More Technologies a “Boon for America’s Clean Energy Economy”

“The new Clean Electricity Tax Credits will be a boon for America’s clean energy economy. These proposed rules will lower energy costs for Americans, curb emissions fueling climate disasters, and help burgeoning technologies such hydropower and geothermal a...


FERC Transmission Rule a “Win for the Climate and the Economy”

 The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced its regional transmission rule today, setting standards for the planning and development of new transmission lines that improve reliability, saves costs, and will help bring new clean energy resourc...

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