E2 members use their collective voice to make the business case in support of state and federal policies that address pressing environmental problems.
E2 members use their collective voice to make the business case in support of state and federal policies that address pressing environmental problems.
More than 3.3 million Americans now work in clean energy. That’s more Americans than work in agriculture, banking, real estate – and double the number of workers in fossil fuel. Through our clean energy employment research and the inspiring stories of our members, E2 makes sure our lawmakers and the public understand the impact that clean energy businesses, innovation, and technologies generate for our economy and environment.
The economic costs of climate change continue to add up with every wildfire, drought, flood and mega-storm. The economic benefits and opportunities of acting on climate change and expanding clean energy also are growing every day. E2 and its members work to advance smart climate policies at the state, federal and international levels – because acting on climate change is just smart business.
Advancing climate solutions is vital for maintaining and enhancing U.S. infrastructure and national security. America should lead the rest of the world, not follow. E2 and its members advocate tirelessly to advance policies that help ensure the strength of U.S. agriculture, transportation systems, water health, and electricity grid. And given the leadership of our nation’s military in spurring market breakthroughs for everything from communications to medicine to clean energy, we support Department of Defense efforts to address climate change, reduce energy and fuel costs while simultaneously improving our national security
We must create a sustainable economy to mitigate the costs of climate change and advance the economic opportunities and jobs that are created by smart climate action. That’s why E2 deploys business leaders from across industry sectors to advance a clean economy, including: energy and water efficiency, low carbon building and transportation solutions, and agricultural practices that remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the soil.