Clean Jobs California | District-By-District

According to an analysis of every California legislative district released by E2 in August 2019, more than 512,000 Californians now work in clean energy industries, and more than $66 billion in public and private clean energy economy investments have been injected into the state. This job growth and investment is driven by California’s climate policies, including its leading Renewables Portfolio Standard and landmark cap-and-trade legislation, which reduces pollution while increasing clean energy production and energy efficiency.

California’s Statewide 2019 Clean Energy Jobs Report
Who Are My Representatives?

The state’s climate policies also have cut emissions by the equivalent of taking 22 million cars off the road and 57 percent of the $3.4 billion in clean energy investments stemming from cap-and-trade have gone specifically towards benefiting disadvantaged communities around the state.

How to Download: Use the tables below to locate and download all 120 factsheets for every California state legislative district. Each factsheet details out the district-specific jobs and economic impact resulting from California’s climate policies.

California State Senate

California State Assembly

District Assembly Member
District 1Vacant
District 2Jim Wood
District 3James Gallagher
District 4Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
District 5Frank Bigelow
District 6Kevin Kiley
District 7Kevin McCarty
District 8Ken Cooley
District 9Jim Cooper
District 10Marc Levine
District 11Jim Frazier
District 12Heath Flora
District 13Susan Talamantes-Eggman
District 14Tim Grayson
District 15Buffy Wicks
District 16Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
District 17David Chiu
District 18Rob Bonta
District 19Phil Ting
District 20Bill Quirk
District 21Adam Gray
District 22Kevin Mullin
District 23Jim Patterson
District 24Marc Berman
District 25Kansen Chu
District 26Devon Mathis
District 27Ash Kalra
District 28Evan Low
District 29Mark Stone
District 30Robert Rivas
District 31Joaquin Arambula
District 32Rudy Salas
District 33Jay Obernolte
District 34Vince Fong
District 35Jordan Cunningham
District 36S. Monique Limón
District 37Christy Smith
District 38Luz Maria Rivas
District 39James Ramos
District 40Chris Holden
District Assembly Member
District 41Chad Mayes
District 42Laura Friedman
District 43Jacqui Irwin
District 44Tom Lackey
District 45Jesse Gabriel
District 46Adrin Nazarian
District 47Eloise Gómez Reyes
District 48Blanca Rubio
District 49Edwin Chau
District 50Richard Bloom
District 51Wendy Carrillo
District 52Freddie Rodriguez
District 53Miguel Santiago
District 54Sydney Kamlager-Dove
District 55Phillip Chen
District 56Eduardo Garcia
District 57Ian C. Calderon
District 58Cristina Garcia
District 59Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer, Sr.
District 60Sabrina Cervantes
District 61Jose Medina
District 62Autumn Burke
District 63Anthony Rendon
District 64Mike Gipson
District 65Sharon Quirk-Sirva
District 66Al Muratsuchi
District 67Melissa Melendez
District 68Steven Choi
District 69Tom Daly
District 70Patrick O’Donnell
District 71Randy Voepel
District 72Tyler Diep
District 73William Brough
District 74Cottie Petrie-Norris
District 75Marie Waldron
District 76Tasha Boerner Horvath
District 77Brian Maienschein
District 78Todd Gloria
District 79Shirley Weber
District 80Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher

Looking for More Info?

Statewide Jobs Report

For details on clean energy’s statewide impact on jobs in California, including at the county and metro levels, breakdowns for each clean tech subsector, by congressional districts, and information on how the jobs spread across the state’s value chain, visit E2’s Clean Jobs California 2019 report page to download .

U.S. Energy & Employment Report (USEER)

This district-by-district report follows E2’s Clean Jobs America analysis which found the clean energy jobs account for nearly 3.3 million jobs across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Both reports expand on data from the U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER) produced by the Energy Futures Initiative (EFI) in partnership with the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO), using data collected and analyzed by the BW Research Partnership. E2 is a partner on the USEER, the fourth installment of the energy survey first released by the Department of Energy in 2016. Clean energy jobs have grown every year since the first report was released in 2016.

If you are looking for additional insight into E2’s District-by-District | Clean Jobs California 2019 or our other Clean Jobs America reports, visit You can also contact E2 Communications Director Michael Timberlake ( An FAQ is also available here to answer any questions.

Other Clean Jobs Reports

District-by-District | Clean Jobs California 2019 is only one in a series of state and industry reports produced by E2 and our partners.

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