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Cory Connolly

Cory Connolly • Detroit, MI

Crafting Clean Energy Leaders Program

Project Description

The Michigan Clean Energy Leaders Project is building a diverse, collaborative, and connected community of young clean energy leaders in Michigan. The project will select and convene 15 talented and accomplished young clean energy leaders from across Michigan for two weekend-long retreats in 2018 to learn, collaborate, and build relationships.

Project Goals

  1. Increase visibility of and communication around clean energy in Michigan. By the end of the program, Michigan should be equipped with 15 more vocal champions for clean energy in Michigan.
  2. Build a support system and network that is both professional and personal. The program will provide team building exercises and opportunities for the development of personal relationships in an authentic manner, creating a foundation for future collaboration.
  3. Create real change around specific, group-identified initiatives and, in turn, create a collaborative community that can identify and tackle specific challenges now and in the future.

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If you are interested in contacting this Fellow, please email Gail Parson, Director of Membership & Engagement, at

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