Adam Fischer • Durham, NC
City/Business Partnerships for 100% Clean EnergyProject Description
This project examines how creative partnerships between cities and businesses committed to 100% clean energy can enhance ambition, drive increased deployment of renewables, and reduce project costs.
Project Goals
- Identify the key policy and market barriers to clean energy partnerships, as well as potential opportunities to overcome them;
- Create a roadmap to help cities and businesses assess the viability of partnership-based strategies; and
- Highlight best practices demonstrating successful partnerships between cities, businesses, and other stakeholders.
Additional Materials
- RE100: re100.org
- Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance: rebuyers.org
- We Mean Business Coalition: www.wemeanbusinesscoal
ition.org - We Are Still In: www.wearestillin.com
- Climate Mayors: climatemayors.org
- Sierra Club’s Ready for 100 Campaign: www.sierraclub.org/rea
dy-for-100/commitments - Alliance for a Sustainable Future: www.usmayors.org/allia
Social Media
If you are interested in contacting this Fellow, please email Gail Parson, Director of Membership & Engagement, at gail@e2.org.