Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Energy Efficiency Jobs in America annual reports.
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Q: How important are energy efficiency jobs?
A: More than 2.1 million Americans work in energy efficiency, the largest part of the entire U.S. energy sector. Efficiency workers cut energy waste in myriad ways. They are also an economic development engine devoted to designing and building a better, healthier future.
Q: What does the report base its findings on?
A: The data foundational to all annual Energy Efficiency Jobs in America reports originates with the U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER), an annual comprehensive produced by the U.S. Department of Energy that looks at employment across the entire U.S. energy sector. The USEER methodology has been used for local, state, and federal energy related data collection and analysis for nearly a decade. The 2022 USEER analyzes the most recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) to track annual employment across: Fuels; Electric Power Generation; Transmission, Distribution, and Storage; Energy Efficiency; and Motor Vehicles. It was prepared by BW Research Partnership, and reviewed and published by the Department of Energy. The 2022 USEER also includes data from a unique supplemental survey capturing responses from approximately 33,000 business representatives across the U.S.
Q: Can you tell me more about the supplemental survey?
A: The survey of 33,000 businesses identifies energy-related employment within key subsectors of the industries classified by the U.S. BLS, and was conducted by BW Research Partnership and ReconMR. These jobs are assigned to their component energy and energy efficiency sectors. The data set includes technology, value-chain, and energy employment data to the county-level in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.
Taken together, the BLS and survey data provide the most comprehensive calculation of energy-related employment available.
The 2022 USEER includes a methodology revision for union membership and union coverage rates. The updated methodology includes Current Population Statistics (CPS), CIC-NAICS crosswalks, and BLS data in addition to USEER survey data. Union membership is weighted by NAICS codes within each detailed technology and summed within each category. For further detail see the 2022 methodology in the USEER national report, starting on page 183.
Q: What counts as an “energy efficiency job” in this report?
A: Energy efficiency employment covers jobs in both the production of energy-saving products and the provision of services that reduce end-use energy consumption. These services include not only the manufacture of ENERGY STAR® appliances and other ENERGY STAR labeled products, but also building design and contracting services that provide insulation, improve natural lighting, and reduce overall energy consumption across homes and businesses.
Jobs in sales and professional services (e.g., in finance/accounting, architecture, engineering, software development and R&D) are also included, as well as a tiny percentage of “other” jobs such as nonprofit organizational positions.
Energy efficiency jobs are predominantly focused on how effectively energy is used; i.e., how well a system cools or heats a building, and how to reduce waste via advanced materials and smart technology.
Q: Are any energy efficiency jobs excluded from Energy Efficiency Jobs in America?
A: Yes. The report is a conservative estimate. It captures only jobs using certified energy efficiency products or those installed according to ENERGY STAR guidelines, and high-performance building materials. Jobs in advanced transportation and electric grid technologies, water or waste management are omitted, among other categories. Indirect or induced employment are not modeled or estimated. Also excluded are jobs related to vehicle fuel efficiency and the jobs related to efficient manufacturing processes.
Q: How do energy efficiency job numbers compare to other industries?
A: In 2021, energy efficiency jobs accounted for about 1 in every 69 jobs nationwide. Energy efficiency is the second largest energy sector employer in the U.S., employing more than the rest of the clean energy economy combined, the entire fossil fuel industry (1.1 million). Energy efficiency employs nearly as much as the motor vehicle and component parts industry (2.2 million).
Q: Where can I get jobs data on the rest of the energy sector?
A: You can download the 2022 USEER report here to see a full breakdown of the U.S. energy economy by the Fuels, Electric Power Generation, Traditional Transmission and Distribution, Energy Efficiency, and Motor Vehicles sectors. For a breakdown of the clean energy economy, see E2’s Clean Jobs America 2022 which further analyzes the data to compile a comprehensive employment outlook of more than two dozen clean energy subsectors, including solar, wind, geothermal, smart grid, micro grid, storage, electric and hybrid vehicles, and energy efficiency.
Q: Who are the authors of this report?
A: BW Research Partnership, the author for the annual USEER report, produced the detailed analysis for nonprofit groups E4TheFuture and E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs).
Q: Can I get the job numbers for my state?
A: Yes. The report provides details for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, including how many energy efficiency businesses are in each state, state-specific demographics, industry breakdowns, and more detailed geographic data down.
Q: I want to see examples of real people behind the numbers. Do you provide any local workers in my state?
A: Yes. You can access examples in various ways. Visit to see testimonials from real-life workers spreading awareness about the benefits of working in energy efficiency, or follow @FacesOfEE on Twitter to meet workers across the country.
Q: How can I support the growth of energy efficiency jobs in America, my state or region, and my community?
A: If you are an energy efficiency professional, you may join the Faces of EE at no cost: See Count Me In! Anyone can see and use educational materials designed to raise awareness, available here. You can visit and sign up for emails from E2 to learn of the latest events and other ways to get involved locally.
Join the conversation online: #EEJobsInAmerica