Clean energy is powering job growth in America. Clean jobs count: Nearly 3.2 million Americans now go to work each and every day in solar, wind, energy efficiency, clean vehicles and other clean energy jobs.


  • Energy Efficiency Jobs – 2,250,000
  • Solar Jobs – 349,000
  • Clean Vehicle Jobs – 220,000
  • Wind Jobs – 107,000
  • Energy Storage Jobs – 91,000
  • TOTAL US Clean Energy Jobs – 3,177,000


If you are looking for additional insight into E2’s Clean Jobs America or our other Clean Jobs America reports, visit e2.org/reports or see Clean Jobs Count for a full interactive jobs breakdown of every U.S. state and clean energy industry. You can also contact E2 Communications Director Michael Timberlake (mtimberlake@e2.org). An FAQ is also available here to answer any questions.


The complete report is available for download here.

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