RJ Harrington is the business development director at National Car Charging, which has helped install EV infrastructure at major Colorado institutions. (Photo courtesy of RJ Harrington)

Editor’s Note: This case study first appeared in E2’s “Colorado’s Clean Energy Future” report, released in October 2016.

National Car Charging, with headquarters in Denver, is one of the nation’s leading providers of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment, along with consulting and station management services. Its mission is to offer a variety of top-quality EV charging products and services at reasonable prices. Whenever possible, it integrates on-site renewable electrical generation (primarily solar) to power the charging stations.

In Colorado, the company is helping expand the availability of EV charging sources in many public and private locations, including at Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., University of Denver, City of Aurora, Boulder Valley School District, Greystar Properties and Colorado State University. The Regional Air Quality Council and the Colorado Energy Office offer grants to help offset the cost of EV charging stations, in addition to federal tax credits for private and commercial charging infrastructure.

RJ Harrington is business development director for National Car Charging. He was raised on a dairy farm in Central Pennsylvania where the sun, wind and earth sustained the family business.

According to Harrington, widespread electric vehicle adoption will be possible only when EV infrastructure is expanded throughout Colorado and the country. In order to encourage expansion of charging stations, however, the right polices are needed.

Among other steps, Colorado lawmakers can eliminate the current preclusion to utility investment and instead require electric utilities identify and invest in cost-effective EV charging infrastructure and ensure that electricity rates encourage customers to charge EVs at appropriate days and times.

–Environmental Entrepreneurs


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