Date: October 29, 2020

Time: 5:30 - 7pm PT


E2 and our business community are well-versed on the climate crisis—highlighting the economic imperative of climate action is a central pillar of our advocacy work.

However, climate is not the only crisis facing our country, nor the only one that demands action. For too long, the US has experienced growing economic inequality, especially along racial lines. But many mainstream environmental and business groups—E2 included—have often treated this crisis as an afterthought. As these two crises come to a head, it’s time that we recognize all the ways climate and equity intersect, and work together for a clean future that’s good for all—because only an equitable future is a sustainable one.

First, we should listen to and learn from those who are already working towards this vision so we can better understand: what will it take for climate action to provide economic benefit for all Oregonians, especially our under-resourced communities?

Please join E2 to hear from some of Oregon’s leaders working at the intersection of climate action and economic opportunity: an Oregon State Senator working to pass climate policy that is good for all; a foundation portfolio director supporting organizations working towards an equitable and sustainable Oregon; and a Portland program manager funding local climate action that advances racial and social justice. Then stick around for virtual networking, where we can discuss what we’ve learned and how to apply those lessons to our individual and collective work going forward.

Thursday, October 29, 2020
Panel: 5:30-6:30 PM
Networking: 6:30-7:00 PM


Senator Lew Frederick
Oregon State Senator, District 22

Jill Fuglister
Healthy Environment Portfolio Director, Meyer Memorial Trust

Sam Baraso
Program Manager, Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund

Moderated by Zach Amittay, E2 Oregon Advocate

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