Date: August 13, 2019

Time: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm

Location: Chicago, IL


E2 is proud to be a sponsor of the summit, designed to address the trends, technologies, and policies that are shaping the energy sector and to develop a community of veterans and allies committed to advancing US energy leadership.The Summit will feature business and military leaders, policymakers, and others with insights into where energy markets and energy technologies are heading, and how this impacts the economic competitiveness and national security of the United States.

There will be numerous E2 members and partners speaking, including Adm. Denny McGinn, Gen. John Castellaw, Troy Van Beek, Jon Gensler, John Powers, Liz Dalton. You’ll also hear from notable guests like Illinois Congressman Sean Casten and New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte.

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